Wicked Elephants

Relate Better to Co-Create Better


Wicked Event Hosting
Nature Conversations


Collaborative Planning
Generating Resilience and Team Cohesion

WE enliven collaboration across our divides so all life thrives

We’re a co-operative of innovative facilitators who help you get (tr)action on wicked problems.

We work with individuals, teams, leaders and organisations to develop skills and facilitate processes for powerful collaboration.

We befriend the elephants in the room and transform wicked problems into wicked action.

We challenge and support you to co-create a vibrant future, whatever your passion, whatever the scale.

"We are moving into a world where virtually all strategic business problems are wicked."

— Grant Wardell-Johnson (Lead Tax Partner, Economics & Tax Centre, KPMG Australia)

What are wicked problems?

Wicked problems are things like climate change, energy supply and balancing economic and ecological wellbeing — they are gnarly with no simple solutions. They ask us to collaborate like we’ve never done before.

Wicked problems

Are complex and confound our best efforts at change — but not acting is not an option.
Can appear insurmountable — and yet we step up and we act, we fail, we review and we act again.
Often create polarization and division — yet we jump into these divides and find common ground.
Can’t be solved by one person or organisation alone — isn’t that a relief! We do our part.

We support quadruple bottom lines — People, Purpose, Profit and Planet.

Why Elephants?

At Wicked Elephants we seek out the hidden ‘elephants in the room’. Sometimes the elephant is an unresolved issue or a divisive debate. Other times it shows itself in ego clashes, conflict avoidance behaviours, white-anting, poor communication or lack of follow through. We help bring ‘the elephants’ out into the open. Engaging with the elephants helps us see the skills and abilities we need to grow and develop for powerful collaboration to happen.

At Wicked Elephants we recognise that wicked problems and hidden elephants hold back teams and organisations and that the most effective way forward is through wicked collaboration.

Work with us ... bring YOU vs ME into a co-created space of WE.

Our strengths

Facilitation that honours different perspectives

Getting creative with the ‘elephants’ in the room

Wholistic systems-based approach

Improvising with intention

Action learning

How we work

Challenge and support

Develop a culture where we are for each other

Courageous collaboration

Embrace conflict

Being playful with uncertainty

Engage a planetary perspective

Join in a sense of wonder

Our process

Problem mapping and solution ecosystems

Skills for dialogue and co-creativity

Befriend the elephants in the room

Adapting to what’s emerging

Serious game play

Action focused outcomes

“Tackling wicked problems is an evolving art. They require thinking that is capable of grasping… the inter-relationships…and more collaborative and innovative approaches”

— Australian Public Service Commission
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